May 29, 2010

but what if I did?

Photo 299
(1. screencap from atonement 2. me using holga 3. photobooth)

I actually have no time to do anything anymore, which includes blogging. It was a year since I started this blog on the 24th of May, I didn't forget, I just literally didn't have time to make a post. I visited the castles last weekend and took over 300 photos that I haven't had any time to even sort through yet, let alone upload. It's only 3 weeks left in France however, so I'm really trying to milk everything til there's nothing left- so maybe putting this blog on hold for a little bit is a good thing. Conversation is starting to become almost fluent, theres a few small mistakes I make (like genders & my shocking french accent) that hold me back, I will no way be fluent by time I get home but i'm trying my hardest to atleast be decent. I'm going to a party tonight, there wasn't originally theme only that we have to wear masks. However, slowly everyone decided to dress up, and it turned into a full out dress up party. I bought this uber cool mask (see picture 3) and I have this cute lolita style dress that usually isn't my style but I love it. I'm going as one of the dancers from Moulin Rouge, my friend Shinae lent me a cute little tophat with feathers that matches absolutely perfectly. I'm really hesative to take my nikon camera, as much as i'd like to get some decent snaps. I might just work with film & my shotty canon point & shoot for tonight. warning now; I probably won't blog at all for the month (23rd June-23rd July) that i'm travelling. However, afterwards i'll probably have a bazillion and one images of my travels, the month of August will be a busy one with parties, returning to perth life and all my pictures to sort through and upload.

May 17, 2010

lolita chic


If I could buy everything in this store, I totally would. However, considering I'm already way over budget and still have 2 months before I get home I opted for this cute little white chemise with a blue bow. My friend also showed me the COOLEST vintage store that i've ever seen. It's like real vintage, not just donated stuff that you find in Good Sammys. There's this mustard Cacharel blazer circa 1980s that i've got my eye on aswell as several Hermes scarfs. I considered diving in a buying my first Chanel, however at 900€ (second hand!) I don't think i'm quite there just yet. But, I must go back and check out some more of their clutches and costume jewelry before I jet off in 5 weeks time. I've decided to do a mass post in July/August on everything that i've purchased in Bordeaux because it's too diffilcult to do it now. My room isn't a very nice place to take snaps (the walls are a salmon pink, and certainly don't compliment the clothes at all) and if I venture into the city I have no one to take snaps (damn vivienne, I really should've taken you up on the offer of bringing you in my suitcase).

May 13, 2010

jac daniels

(disposable camera)

No, I did not name this title after a bottle of whiskey nor would I like to be the next Ke$ha. Jac Daniels defintely gets the award for the coolest named friend of mine and this blog post is dedicated to her! These are some more snaps of Bordeaux city, the first one is the central train station in the middle of the city. It's absolutely gorgeous.

May 09, 2010

gâteau de fleurs


yes, this is indeed a cake made from flowers. and yes, the French are just a little bit crazy (probably why I feel so at home here).

As of late..


So I came home from venturing to the cinemas with some uber cool french friends of mine that I have come to love and don't want to leave them in a mere 6 weeks time, to realise that I have the bestest friends (Viv & Ella to be precise) back home in Perth. I recieved this package filled with goodies that literally had me on the floor laughing. Firstly, I got resupplied with paw paw ointment in where I was running dangerously low on supply. Secondly, I got sent two skirts and a pair of shorts that a desparately needed for the summer weather (you see, I finished packing my suitcase whilst drunk a few hours before my flight, practically chucked in whatever looked good and completely forgot that Europe does get warm in the summer...). Thirdly, a book titled How to be Cool. Pft, as if I need instructions. However the best of all was the literally millions (well not literally, figuratively (reference to xkcd comic here)) of postcards that had personal jokes written on almost every single one of them. To top it off, it was wrapped in a bubble tea plastic bag (grr it was easyway and not utopia, which is totally superior) that made me craveee my honey bubble tea with aloe vera & lychees (and the true asian emerges)!

In other news, one of my french friends lent me his copy of Alice in Wonderland. I've being dying for some English Literature as everthing in the libraries here are all in French, so far it's just as good as I imagined it to be (and a little ashamed that it's taken me this long to pick it up, I mean isn't Alice in Wonderland for kids?) I also bought a guide book of Bordeaux (about 3 months too late, oh well) and have highlighted all the things I have to do before I leave. I only have 44 more days left in Bordeaux, and then 75 days until Perth as I will be doing a bit of travelling before I jet back down under. J'espère que vous passiez un bon weekend!

May 08, 2010

around the town.

(kodak disposable)


(source; vogue UK december 2007 via tfs)

one of my favorite sasha edits.

May 07, 2010

May 04, 2010

First step into film...

(holga 120mm film)

More to come soon, here's a taster.