July 19, 2010


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(from top; 1&2 Berlin wall, 3&4 unknown, 5&6 Holocaust Memorial, 7 Brandenburg Gate, 8 the best pizza ever found outside Check-Point Charlie)

And the Euro Tour begins! Most of us arrive from our host countries in Copenhagen on the 22nd, eager to meet each other, share exchange stories and speak fluent English for the first time in months. We officially start the tour on the 23rd, leaving Copenhagen and catching a ferry over to Germany. In Germany we saw the Berlin wall and learnt many things about modern German history. Across from Check-point Charlie the most amazing pizza in the world was discovered. Germany went through to the first round of the World Cup and Berlin was out to celebrate. We had a boat tour in Spreewald and stopped in Dresden before heading of to Prague... 22nd-25th June.

1 comment :

  1. The Holocaust Memorial looks cool, but I don't really get the symbolism at all.
