September 07, 2011

Spring threads & Wicked!

Photo du 62579686-09- à 17.22Photo du 62655387-09- à 17.24
I bought this shirt for $15 yesterday on a whim at my universities weekly shop sale thingo (I actually have no idea what it is, it's just a random assortment of things being sold on campus every Tuesday) and have actually fallen in love with it. It has this cute little gold top button, white collar and it's made from this really comfy silk pattern. It's just one of those shirts in where the cut is really flattering. The weather is so lovely at the moment, I could spend all day long lying in the sun doing my universities readings and embracing the sunshine. I finally can start wearing a little bit of variety at uni now aswell, instead of my thick jacket that I always have to wear in the wintertime. I have quite a few assignments due next week, and three shifts at work not to mention a university ball on Saturday night so I've been stressing out just a tad but other than that life is fairly swell. Just a week of stress than I'm of to Phuket! Wooot! In other news, my mum scored some free tickets for the musical Wicked tonight, so we're dressing up, looking pretty and going to a really nice restaurant at Burswood before seeing the show. I'm pretty excited. Also, I'm eating Nutella in the bottom picture. 'Tis very satisfying.