September 01, 2009

blog awards

yay! i was nominated for my first blog award by fellow perthian emma j over at every street is a catwalk so check her blog out :) its amazing! anyways, i'm supposed to share with you all 10 things about myself so here it goes, i wrote one of these a while ago, but heres some more :)

1. i have a new television obsession weekly, its pretty pathetic. last week was weeds, this week its dawsons creek.

2. this also happens with films, however for the most part of this year i've been anticipating 500 days of summer. other films that are on my must see list (and i'm slightly ashamed to say that i haven't seen them yet) are Buffalo 66, The Goddess of 1967, Hunting and Gathering, The Flight of the Red Balloon, Inglorious Bastards, Love me if you dare and Trust
3. i find lame things funny, like these music graphs... guess what song it is

4. all of my high school memories lie in the media department. debating makes me happy, im a nerd like that however unfortunatly my nerdiness doesn't translate to good grades. so i pretty much just loose out all together.
5. i drink everything out of straws, except for coffee and tea.

6. i can only imagine doing three things for the rest of my life: directing and producing films, being a photographer or working in the area of politics.
7. i am a terrible cook. i managed to screw up packaged mashed potatoes on the weekend, whilst viv cooked pasta with the very minimal contents of my pantry.
i dance like an absolute retard in public, and i don't care at all. whats even worse, i dance to rick astley and the spice girls. see previous blog posts.
9. i hide behind my camera, but im generally a pretty social person. so if you see me on the streets of perth, please say hello :)

10. my history class has come to the conclusion that i would be the easiest person to stalk, they're probably right. but honestly, who the hell would want to stalk a lame, nerdy, pathetic, high school photographer. really?


  1. Truth is SUCHSUCHSUCH a good movie, oh my gosh one of my favourites. Wow I haven't watched it since like........end of last year eep!

  2. WOOOOPPSS meant trust hahaha fail :P

  3. haha i was speaking to mr leach yesterday (did you do lit?) and he was saying that that was his favorite film too... gahh i must see it! xx
