April 22, 2015

Marie Antoinette's Estate

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These photos are a selection from The Grand Trianon and Marie Antoinette's Estate situated some two kilometres away from the Palace of Versailles. I wandered from the main palace to her estate in the near zero temperatures through the gorgeous palace gardens, feeling the crisp air hit my cheeks every step of the way. Luckily it was a perfectly clear day, which made the whole experience incredibly tender and calm. I remember in those moments, everything seemed okay, every step made me think about the millions of people who have walked the exact route and the history that was made here. I think these are some of my favourite photographs from my trip.

In more recent news, it is now the eighth week of semester and the impending exams stress is starting to compound. It doesn't help the matter that I've adopted this terrible cold that is hindering my ability to do any form of exercise or sleep proper nights. Last week, I helped host our Law Societies Cocktail Party where I got to wear a fantastic gold skirt from Gorman and drink a lovely gin based cocktail all night (the name of which has left me). It was a super cool vibe, and plenty of fun was enjoyed by all. Over the weekend, I contemplated taking next semester off to partake in a philosophy course in Canberra for three months, after some tossing and turning I had decided to wait out the year and potentially take the course after I've finished my degree. After all, I have to save up for my exchange next year (fingers crossed I get in) and an intensive course in the countryside followed by a cultural exchange seemed like too much intensity for one twelve month period. And also, I'm just becoming used to the whole moving out thing (some eight months later) and getting into an exercise routine with boxing and riding to uni. As much as I'm eager to just leave this city behind, there are many great things keeping me here. I'm sure everything will run it's course, eventually.

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