October 05, 2010

mass update on the goings on of jaderade, if you're still listening...

Photo 321

"So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."
~ The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

I found this today whilst killing time after work in Borders. I've been meaning to reading it for x129048109 [enter appropriate unit of exageration here] long and i'm already 68 pages in and not losing interest any time soon. Life is being tedious at the moment, so comme d'hab i've been diving into the world of music, literature and film. However, I feel that no matter how many books I read, there will always be a million and one books that I haven't read. And no matter how much I do in a day, there is always a million and one things that I didn't do that day. The question, what if? has also been going over in my mind like a broken record. What if I didn't go to that stupid party and just went home instead. Whatever. I've been downloading a heap of new music recently, a lot of slow stuff. I saw Angus & Julia Stone the other weekend, and thus have been listening to their stuff on almost repeat. I swear I could see them live every single night for the rest of my life and never get bored, Julia is just a darling and Angus is the sweetest boy on the planet. I also went to Parklife, and Kele found my dancing shoes for me. Lame reference, je sais.

On a side note; my posting has become as irrational as my moods, and if I was a follower of this blog I would've pissed of a while ago. I don't know what this blog is anymore, whether it has any sense of direction or purpose. But it'll be here for some time, always filled with a myriad of all things popular culture. So, if you'd like to continue reading I promise I won't be so lame about posting regularly.

1 comment :

  1. I like your "myriad of all things popular culture" :)
